The challenge
With age and the elements having taken their toll upon the local infrastructure, over a kilometre of deteriorated troughing route near the seaside town of Littlehampton required replacement.
And, with the end-of-life 440v signalling power distribution also warranting an upgrade, Amaro was contracted to carry out the necessary installation works in order to support the safe and reliable running of the railway into the future.
The solution
Stretching between Ford and Littlehampton Substations, an in-house Amaro team (supported by third party labour) supplied and installed 750 metres of ARCO Type 1 GRP elevated troughing, specified due to the topographically difficult terrain alongside the track. An additional 250 metres of more conventional C1/9 concrete troughing was also installed, along with 14 no. FSP pre-cast concrete troughing bases.
Tasked with upgrading the area’s signalling power distribution, the existing 440v system was swapped out for a state-of-the-art 650v Class II equivalent, with all the associated E&P and signalling assets (including cables, location cabinets, and associated troughing interface sections) also being replaced.
From the Construction Phase Plan, and Waste Management Plan, to the Environmental Plan, Quality Plan, and Work Package Plans, all necessary documentation was produced in-house with the appointment of our CEM and CREs being conducted in line with NR/L2/INI/02009.
The outcome
All works were completed on time, with zero lost time incidents, and in line with the client’s expectations.
Thanks in part to the works carried out by Amaro, rail workers traversing the site will be safer, Network Rail’s maintenance burden will be reduced, and reliability will be improved for rail users.