Barely a month after being appointed an Associate Member of the IET – and only two since he joined the team – our Assistant PM, Ricky Mckinley has officially become a full Member of the IRSE.
Congratulations, Ricky. Keep up the good work!
How better to end a seriously busy week than by celebrating one of our own?
Barely a month after being appointed an Associate Member of the IET – and only two since he joined the team – our Assistant PM, Ricky Mckinley has officially become a full Member of the IRSE.
Congratulations, Ricky. Keep up the good work!
Meet yet another new member of the Amaro team, our brand new Points Fitter, Harley Lloyd!
What do Rick Astley, Kylie Minogue, Elton John, and our Business Relationship Manager, Sean Tiday have in common?
Following a gruelling two part assessment, we've successfully passed yet ANOTHER annual NICEIC audit...