Danny Abbott previously worked for Amaro for more than 7 years before leaving for pastures new in January 2022…
Danny Abbot returns to Amaro as Signalling Team Leader

Danny Abbott previously worked for Amaro for more than 7 years before leaving for pastures new in January 2022…
Just over a year ago, severe CAT 4 wire degradation was discovered within an REB (Relocatable Equipment Room) at London’s Selhurst Depot, providing an unacceptable risk of serious failures during routine maintenance activities…
Did you see our MD, Michael Ewart, in the Spring issue of IET Partner News?
Say “hello” this morning to the latest member of the Amaro team, our brand-new Construction Manager, Mark Keatings!
For more than 2 years we’ve been helping Network Rail, supporting their delivery of the Kent SPS (Signalling Power Supplies) Framework…
Congratulations are due to our apprentices, Eva Callaghan, Cameron Fitchett, Liam Hennessy and Assistant Installer, Mark Badder, on successfully passing their MOD 5 (Test Assistant) course!