A HUGE round of applause goes out today to our friend and colleague, Barry Toms, on reaching his 5-year work anniversary!
Barry Toms celebrates 5 years at Amaro

A HUGE round of applause goes out today to our friend and colleague, Barry Toms, on reaching his 5-year work anniversary!
Say “hello” this morning to new starter… our brand-new Signalling Team Leader, Dion Barrow!
Say “hello” this morning to our latest new starter, Installation Operative, Tony Wright!
Huge congratulations go out to our Assistant Planner, Abby Spowart, on successfully passing her very first PTS qualification!
For the next few weeks we’re joining teams from across the rail industry by running over 2,000 MILES in a virtual ‘Station to Station’ Challenge!
Back in November 2023 we took on our very first QS, Nick Egan. Now, just 5 months later he’s joined by Kerry Grandfield!