Three Amaro team members pass PTS

It’s a big day today for our stores assistant, Holly Bowyer, and two of our apprentices, Jerome Felix and Jack Rollinson…

They’ve officially passed their very first PTS (Personal Track Safety) course!

To many this may not seem like such a big deal, but for those working on the railway it’s a major career milestone. Thanks to their brand new PTS cards, they’re able to prove that they’ve…

– Sat an online, e-learning course
– Undergone a Network Rail medical examination
– Passed a drug and alcohol test
– Attended an in-person course and assessment

… and more, demonstrating that they understand the rules and regulations that are in force for personal safety, all of which need to be observed when working ‘on or near the line’.

Congratulations, Holly, Jerome, and Jack!

Celebratory graphic announcing Amaro's successful NICEIC audit with zero advisories. Features the 'Audit Passed' badge, NICEIC Approved Contractor logo, and a certificate image displaying 'Zero Advisories' on a clean, blue and white background.

Harley Lloyd joins Amaro as Points Fitter

Meet yet another new member of the Amaro team, our brand new Points Fitter, Harley Lloyd!

Sean Tiday attends Railway Benefit Fund’s ‘Heart of Gold’ awards

What do Rick Astley, Kylie Minogue, Elton John, and our Business Relationship Manager, Sean Tiday have in common?

Celebratory graphic announcing Amaro's successful NICEIC audit with zero advisories. Features the 'Audit Passed' badge, NICEIC Approved Contractor logo, and a certificate image displaying 'Zero Advisories' on a clean, blue and white background.

Amaro passes Approved Contractor audit

Following a gruelling two part assessment, we've successfully passed yet ANOTHER annual NICEIC audit...